Energy industry

Owner of the company has a rich experience (more then 30 years practice) with a design for energy industry, namely from transformer stations 0,4 / 22 kV, for up to substation 400 / 110 / 22 kV, for companies CEPS Inc., ČEZ Distribuce Inc., EON Inc., PRE Distirbuce Inc. and arrangements 0,4 kV (public lighting, plumbing), lightning conductors and photovoltaic power plants.

For the mentioned companies, as an employee of various firms, process project documentation of all stages of disposition solutions, control, signaling, regulation and control system and feasibility study. Owner has an experience from working abroad (USA), where he processed studies for various distribution substations, as well as designing traction equipment (junction station for Prague underground and substations for Czech Railways), arrangements on nuclear power plant (Slovak Republic), and on big and small hydroelectric power plants (Czech and Slovak Republic).

Complete list of reference works is at your disposal for download in the “References”.

At present company is included in the list of suppliers’and distribution companies ČEZ Distribuce Inc., RWE Inc., Central Czech Region and Municipality Prague 10.

Project documentation for basic solution is processed 3D technology in Alibre Design. Disposition resulting drawings are then further modified in programme ProgeCAD Professional CSY (output format dwg for AutoCAD 2000). Text and spreadsheet documents are made part of the Microsoft Office 2007. Documentation is standard, unless otherwise provided by contract, three prints in , printed form and 1x CD (DVD) with documentation in electronic form (unless given otherwise, in format *.pdf).